As you can see, this definition is messy, inconsistent, and inconvenient. There is also the mixed turf in the well known Mosaic “biome” as well. It appears to consider a biome as based on a single terrain/turf, but does this mean the savanna patch that lies within the Dragonfly desert is a savanna biome? What about the savanna patch in the Mandrake Forest? The problem with defining based on a single terrain/turf is that these are all scattered across the map, while some turfs only generate as part of a set piece (for example, the “chess” biome containing the chess pieces and all the variants).
What do I mean by “biome”? The wiki is not entirely sure how to define the term. It is entirely up the reader to decide how to use them. Instead, I will provide details on the resources and perks available in each biome.

which biome is the best to build a base in), because every player has different goals, skill level, and playstyles in mind.

Furthermore, I try not to give opinions or recommended strategies/tips (e.g. However, I go into more detail than what the current Don’t Starve Wiki provides. Thus, the guide provides details based only on what I could observe. The detailed mechanics behind world generation is not covered in this guide simply because I don’t understand it, and very little code digging was done. Forest refers to the surface world biomes found in the Caves are not discussed here (and may be covered in a future guide given enough motivation). This guide is intended to be a comprehensive reference for all the biomes that generate in the Forest with the default settings in Don’t Starve Together.